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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 pitch n (sound: tone) (声音强度)SCSimplified Chinese 音高,声音 yīn gāo,shēng yīn TCTraditional Chinese 音高,聲音  The pitch of a siren is usually sharp.  警报器的声音总是很尖利。 pitch n (sports field)SCSimplified Chinese 运动场地 yùn dòng chǎng dì TCTraditional Chinese 運動場地  Soccer is played on a grass pitch.  足球是在草地运动场上进行的运动。 pitch [sth]⇒ vtr (baseball: throw)SCSimplified Chinese 扔(球) rēng qiú   SCSimplified Chinese 投掷 rēng qiú,tóu zhì TCTraditional Chinese 投擲   SCSimplified Chinese 投(球) rēng qiú,tóu qiú  To pitch a ball in baseball is to throw it at the batter.  棒球中投球就是向击球员扔球。 pitch [sth] vtr (throw)SCSimplified Chinese 扔 rēng TCTraditional Chinese 扔   SCSimplified Chinese 丢 TCTraditional Chinese 丟  Devon pitched the ball right over the plate.  迪冯将球扔过垒包。 pitch⇒ vi (baseball: throw the ball) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 投球 tóu qiú  Luke used to pitch, but he's switched to first base recently.  卢克以前是投球手,不过最近他被换成了一垒手。 pitch for [sth] vi + prep informal (try to get)SCSimplified Chinese 尽力劝说以得到  The agency pitched for the client's business.  代理商尽力劝说客户,以得到那笔单子。 pitch [sth]⇒ vtr (erect: a tent)SCSimplified Chinese 支起 zhī qǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 架起 zhī qǐ,jià qǐ  The campers decided to pitch their tent near the stream. pitch n (heave)SCSimplified Chinese 颠簸 diān bǒ   SCSimplified Chinese 摇晃 diān bǒ,yáo huàng  The ship's sudden pitch knocked Leo off his feet.  船忽然颠簸,让莱奥摔了一跤。 pitch n informal (sales speech)SCSimplified Chinese 推销 tuī xiāo TCTraditional Chinese 推銷  We listened to the salesman's pitch, but didn't buy anything.  我们听了推销员的推销,但没有买任何东西。 pitch n (tar)SCSimplified Chinese 沥青 lì qīng TCTraditional Chinese 瀝青  We need another load of pitch to finish this road.  我们还需要再加一次沥青来铺完这条路。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 pitch n (baseball: throw) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 投球,掷球 tóu qiú,zhì qiú  In baseball, a batter can face up to three pitches in each innings. pitch n (slope)SCSimplified Chinese 坡度 pō dù TCTraditional Chinese 坡度   SCSimplified Chinese 倾斜度 pō dù ,qīng xié dù TCTraditional Chinese 傾斜度  That roof has a very steep pitch, don't you think?  你觉不觉得那个房顶的坡度很陡? pitch n (propeller: angle)SCSimplified Chinese 俯仰(角) fǔ yǎng jiǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 螺距(角) fǔ yǎng jiǎo,luó jù jiǎo  The angles a propeller's blades present to the water or the air is their pitch.  螺旋桨叶片与水或者空气所成的角度就是它们的螺距。 pitch n (resin)SCSimplified Chinese 松脂 sōng zhī   SCSimplified Chinese 松香 sōng zhī,sōng xiāng TCTraditional Chinese 松香  Burgundy pitch is the resin of certain pine trees.  勃艮第松脂是由特定松树产生的松脂。 pitch n (aeronautics: angle) (航空学)SCSimplified Chinese 角度 jiǎo dù TCTraditional Chinese 角度  The aircraft was flying at a dangerous pitch. pitch n (typeface: spacing) (文字间的)SCSimplified Chinese 间距,距离 jiān jù,jù lí TCTraditional Chinese 距離  Select a font with a larger pitch. pitch n (section of a climb)SCSimplified Chinese 坡段 pitch⇒ vi (ship: tilt, tip) (船只)SCSimplified Chinese 颠簸,上下摇晃 diān bǒ  A large wave caused the boat to pitch.  猛烈的海浪会使船只颠簸。 pitch [sth]⇒ vtr (sound: adjust) (音调)SCSimplified Chinese 调整 tiáo zhěng TCTraditional Chinese 調整   SCSimplified Chinese 定 tiáo zhěng,dìng TCTraditional Chinese 定  The lower you pitch your voice, the more serious you sound. pitch [sth] vtr slang (attempt to sell)SCSimplified Chinese 推销,为...大作广告 tuī xiāo,wèi ... dà zuò guǎng gào TCTraditional Chinese 推銷  Manufacturers usually pitch their product at specific markets.  制造商通常在特定市场上大力推销他们的产品。 pitch [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (toss, throw)SCSimplified Chinese 扔向   SCSimplified Chinese 丢向   SCSimplified Chinese 摇荡  The gale pitched him off his feet.  那阵风把他刮倒在地。 pitch [sth]⇒ vtr (attempt to get accepted)SCSimplified Chinese 宣传,推销 xuān chuán ,tuī xiāo TCTraditional Chinese 宣傳,推銷  Jess pitched her idea at the weekly staff meeting and her boss loved it.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 pitch in vi phrasal informal, figurative (participate, join in)SCSimplified Chinese 投入,努力工作 tóu rù,nǔ lì gōng zuò TCTraditional Chinese 投入   SCSimplified Chinese 凑份子 còu fèn zi  Everyone pitched in to help prepare the meal.  每个人都帮着准备这餐饭。 pitch in [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (contribute)SCSimplified Chinese 凑 TCTraditional Chinese 湊  If we each pitch in $5, we'll have enough money.  如果我们每个人拿出5美元,那钱就够了。 pitch into [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (attack verbally) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 抨击 pēng jī TCTraditional Chinese 抨擊  Vince pitched into Ed, accusing him of lying. pitch on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (decide on, choose) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 决定,选定 jué dìng,xuǎn dìng TCTraditional Chinese 決定  The couple eventually pitched on a date for their wedding.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 bring [sth/sb] to fever pitch v expr informal (make frenzied)SCSimplified Chinese 致使…狂热 zhì shǐ kuáng rè  The crowd were brought to fever pitch when the band walked onto the stage.  当乐队上台后,人群变得狂热。 elevator pitch n US, informal (short sales talk) (简短的推销说辞)SCSimplified Chinese 电梯游说 TCTraditional Chinese 電梯遊說 fever pitch n (much excitement)SCSimplified Chinese 极度兴奋 TCTraditional Chinese 極度興奮   SCSimplified Chinese 狂热 kuáng rè TCTraditional Chinese 狂熱 football pitch (UK), soccer pitch (US) n (ground where soccer is played)SCSimplified Chinese 足球场 zú qiú chǎng TCTraditional Chinese 足球場  The football pitch was waterlogged so the match had to be postponed. The ship is as long as four football pitches. high pitch n (music: high-scale frequency) (音乐)SCSimplified Chinese 高音 gāo yīn  A dog whistle sounds at such a high pitch, that humans can't hear it -- but dogs can. high pitch n figurative (great intensity) (情绪等)SCSimplified Chinese 高涨 gāo zhǎng TCTraditional Chinese 高漲  The excitement reached a high pitch when the home team scored a goal.  主队进了一球后,全场气氛高涨。 low pitch n (music: deep or bass frequency)SCSimplified Chinese 低音 dī yīn TCTraditional Chinese 低音  Tony sang the song in a low pitch. perfect pitch n (ability to identify a musical note) (能准确分布每个音的具体音高)SCSimplified Chinese 绝对音感  My brother had perfect pitch as a child but as an adult, it went down or up by a third. pitch and putt n (golf on miniature course)SCSimplified Chinese 迷你高尔夫  Dan and I played a game of pitch and putt. pitch-and-putt adj (relating to golf on miniature course)SCSimplified Chinese 迷你高尔夫的 the pitch black, the pitch dark n (total darkness)SCSimplified Chinese 漆黑 qī hēi 备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes the noun He walks this road every night, in the pitch dark! pitch black, pitch-black, pitch dark, pitch-dark adj (totally dark)SCSimplified Chinese 一片漆黑的 yí piàn qī hēi de  There was no moon and the night was pitch black. pitch forward vi + adv (lurch or tip towards the front)SCSimplified Chinese 前倾,向前倾,向前倾斜 qián qīng  The passengers all pitched forward when the bus braked very suddenly. pitch pipe n often plural (instrument)SCSimplified Chinese 律管   SCSimplified Chinese 调音管 TCTraditional Chinese 調音管  You can use pitch pipes to tune a guitar. pitchfork n (fork for lifting hay)SCSimplified Chinese 干草叉 gān cǎo chā TCTraditional Chinese 乾草叉  The farmer used a pitchfork to lift the haystacks. rugby pitch n (playing field marked out for rugby)SCSimplified Chinese 橄榄球场 gǎn lǎn qiú chǎng TCTraditional Chinese 橄欖球場  A standard rugby pitch is larger than a standard football pitch. sales pitch n (promotional talk)SCSimplified Chinese 推销员的推销宣讲 tuī xiāo yuán de tuī xiāo xuān jiǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 推销广告 tuī xiāo yuán de tuī xiāo xuān jiǎng,tuī xiāo guǎng gào  He gave such a convincing sales pitch that I bought the car without hesitating. throw a fit, also US: pitch a fit v expr figurative, slang (get angry)SCSimplified Chinese 大发脾气 dà fā pí qì   SCSimplified Chinese 大动肝火 throw a fit, also US: pitch a fit v expr figurative, slang (child: have a tantrum) (指孩子)SCSimplified Chinese 哭闹   SCSimplified Chinese 发脾气 fā pí qì TCTraditional Chinese 發脾氣  The child throws a fit when he doesn't like his food.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: pitch [pɪtʃ] I n 1 [c] (Brit) (Sport) (=field) 球场(場) qiúchǎng [个 gè] [美 = field] 2 [s/u] [of note, sound, voice] 音高 yīngāo 3 [s] (fig: level, degree) [of feeling, situation] 程度 chéngdù 4 [u] (=tar) 沥(瀝)青 lìqīng 5 [c] (also: sales pitch) 推销(銷)商品的行话(話) tuīxiāo shāngpǐn de hánghuà 6 [u] (Naut) [of boat] 颠簸 diānbǒ II vt 1 [+ tent] 搭 dā 2 (=throw) [+ ball, object] 投 tóu 3 (=knock) [+ person] 摔出 shuāichū 4 (=set) [+ price, message] 定位 dìngwèi III vi 1 (=fall forwards) 重重倒下 zhòngzhòng dǎoxià 2 (Naut) [boat] 颠簸 diānbǒ pitch in (inf) vi [person] 起劲(勁)地干(幹) qǐjìn de gàn 在这些条目还发现'pitch': 在英文解释里: alto - baseball diamond - baseball field - bass - bass clef - blindside - capo - caulker - change sides - change up - clef - crease - cricket ground - deep - deepening - depth - E-string - elevator - elevator speech - fastball - flat - high - high-toned - higher - infield - intonation - key - low - lower - monotone - outfield - outside - perfect - pine tar - pitched - pitchy - rugby field - sharp - spiel - squeak - tar - tessitura - tone-deaf - treble clef - tune up - tuned - tuning - underarm - wind up - yaw 中文: 沥青 - 音高 - 投 - 螺距 - 音准 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Football (soccer) words, Parts of a soccer stadium, 更多……同义词: throw, toss, fling, hurl, heave, 更多……习惯性搭配: pitched in the [major, minor] leagues, a [sales, product, tender] pitch, a pitch [invasion, cleaner, inspector], 更多……

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To implement marketing ideas to pitch 'pitch' Dems against Dems - English Only forum (at/on home ground (pitch, field - English Only forum a breeze if we all pitch in - English Only forum A great pitch for work - English Only forum a pitch of alarm - English Only forum A sticky pitch for the Tories. - English Only forum a VC pitch - English Only forum all over the pitch - English Only forum an updated pitch - English Only forum Are of different pitch diameter - English Only forum at your pitch yet? - English Only forum baseball - sucking for pitch - English Only forum baseball pitch / field - English Only forum basketball pitch / court - English Only forum Boule - Petanque field/court/pitch - English Only forum Bring support to the pitch - English Only forum buy the pitch - English Only forum Cardinals reliever ties record with 105 mph pitch - English Only forum - English Only forum Chip in / Pitch in - English Only forum chip in vs. pitch in [contribute] - English Only forum come to the pitch of hardness - English Only forum converting high pitch to low pitch [voice] - English Only forum cornstalk pitch - English Only forum corporate creative account, pitch and ... - English Only forum Do you pitch a flagpole into or onto the ground? - English Only forum Does the slang "orchard" have a meaning of baseball pitch? - English Only forum Don't swing at the first pitch - English Only forum down/up the pitch - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'pitch'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "pitch" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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